Dynasty warriors gundam 3
Dynasty warriors gundam 3

dynasty warriors gundam 3

it is completely fan service warriors gameplay for gunpla (not so much gundam characters) but you can pretty much build a mobilesuit with parts from damn near every gunpla in existence (sadly no wing grunt suits like virgos, taurus, leos since they were never gunpla but if you are clever enough you can make something close to them- ive made a virgo and theres a few youtube tutorials for stuff like zoe2 jehuty and anubis.


none of the gundam warriors series touch gundam breakers 3 break edition for ps4 imo. I have a feeling I'm probably done with DWG3 as DWG1 is hitting on more of what I want out of a Musou game. In retrospect I really should have started at 1 and proceeded from there. I have a feeling I'm going to end up picking up DWG2 eventually especially after enticing replies like yours about the potential roleplay aspects. It did take a bit of upgrading my character until it didn't feel so rough. Not that DWG1 is bad, just that you can feel that it's an earlier title in the series and the engine hasn't been fine tuned yet especially with thrusting around. Gameplay-wise, DW3 is a *LOT* more kinetic, and more enjoyable. I think I prefer the grit in DWG1 over the cel-shading in DWG3. Really liking how the space levels look in DWG1 too and that the battle cruiser ships are there. The DWG3 levels never feel like planet-scapes, but more like generic square rooms. Actually it pulls a far better sense of scale with the levels than DWG3 did so the giant robots feel more like giant robots. It's a *LOT* better than DWG3 when talking story and atmosphere wise. I ended up picking up DWG1, which arrived today, and have spent a few hours with it already in the Original Story mode.

dynasty warriors gundam 3

But as I played, the story was barely there, and from the character introductions and what dialogue there is I could tell I was missing a *LOT* of 'member berries.

dynasty warriors gundam 3

I thought giant robots would be enough, and the reviews were saying DWG3 had the best combat of the series so that's why I started there. When I play DWG2, it's frustrating that it's a bit slower than DWG3 and harder to customise my own personal Gundam with skills and parts, but when I play DWG3 it's frustrating that the maps are so small and that there's barely any story to be had. For example, my Seabook & his F91 might have joined a group of space pirates and taken that path, but your Seabook went and joined a political rebellion instead. I'm also particularly a fan of its roleplay mode - you pick a character, and they get unique/custom missions based on your choices and interactions with the other characters. To date, DWG2 is also one of the few Musou games to have an online versus mode. Ideally, the best Dynasty Warriors Gundam game would look something like "DWG2 but with the faster combat and strategic facilities of DWG3". The camera controls are reversed, it's a lot more stiff, and there's a lot of grinding to be had on DWG1 before things even start to get remotely enjoyable - the story is also pretty much the same as DWG3's but thinner. Both games (2 & RE) do a great job with their story modes to get new folks caught up. DWG2 is better for new folks, and Gundam Reborn. Starting DWG3 without knowing too much about Gundam makes it ROUGH - the game and what loose bits of story it has are HIGHLY dependent on you knowing each and every character from their own series. Then I also read that some say 2 is the best of the franchise. So question is, 1 or 2 next? And why? I was leaning 1 just because I read it's simplicity is it's charm, and I've read many conflicting things about 2, most of which say that 3 fixed the things wrong with 2, which is also part of the reason I went 3 initially. In the Orochi games I at least already know most of the cast so I don't miss most of the little things. It's just the story could be filled with any group of randoms at this point and it wouldn't be any different. It's just that all these characters are popping up as I play, and as I go along I don't really know any of them. It's like an Orochi game, which I kind of knew going in. But the more I play it, I feel like I'm not really getting to know the Gundam universe. Before diving in, I did do some research and decided to go with DW:G 3 for my first DW:G game. I love giant robots and musou games, but have little experience with the Gundam franchise.


Xbox360, so PS3 uber option is off table.

Dynasty warriors gundam 3